Professional Hoof Crack Repair Solutions
It is safe to say that hoof cracks have been with horses
ever since they began to run. It is also safe to say that man has been
attempting to repair these cracks since horses were domesticated for work.
Cracks come in all sizes, shapes and lengths and there are
many products and techniques that are being marketed today. And as many
of you get drawn into these marketing schemes, I to did when I first started
to develop a passion for the art of hoof repair.
In the late 1970's when working as an apprentice machinist
at night and helping some farriers during the day I to became fascinated
by the art of Hoof Repair. The fact was that everyone felt we needed a
product that would stick to the hoof and you could do miracles. Young
and ambitious off I went in search for the wonder putty. After contacting
almost every adhesive manufacture in the country and learning about epoxies,
urethanes, fiberglass, crazy glue's, acrylics etc. I said to myself "I
still don't have any knowledge on Hoof Repair". So I attempted to hunt
down all the hoof repair experts that I could find in an effort to see
what knowledge they may share.
Well, I located a half a dozen, a couple in Canada the rest
in the States. Each one had their own technique i.e. screws, staples,
wire stitches, pin with a horseshoe nail. They to had their own set of
challenges in the art of hoof repair on achieving continual success within
their own techniques. So I decided to research and develop my own technique.
So off I went in search for horses with cracked hooves to
try to master the art of Hoof Repair. Fortunately, many trainers gave
me the opportunity to experiment on their injured horse, because the last
resort back then was time off. The first couple horse hooves I patched
seemed ok for the first few days but their would always be a challenge,
rather a patch fell off in a race, or the hoof come up sore a few days
later. I didn't take long to find out that there are many products out
on the market that will adhere to the hoof wall with proper preparation.
In time, I learned how to prep the hoof where the materials stayed adhered
to the hoof and many times the hoof still didn't come sound.
Then it became my desire to study and research hoof repair
as a science and master a technique not as a "patcher" but a technique
worthy to be called a professional specialist in the Art of Hoof Repair.
Hoof Repair in the sense of repairing damaged walls so we
can nail a shoe on properly is about hoof preparation and product application.
Hoof Repair is about quartercracks with depth into the sensitive
laminae, hoof wall separations, hoof bar cracks, coronary band abscess,
making the repair giving the horse the ability to perform within several
days, if not that day!
The art of hoof repair is about understanding the Hoof Anatomy
and the Dynamics of the Hoof. Understanding how to evaluate injuries,
cause and the extent of damage to valued or non-valued anatomy. What part
concussion will play to the injury site after the repair? How to reconstruct
and to know what we can't reconstruct with certain injuries, these are
a few thoughts that run through my evaluations while providing a service.
Occasionally, I make the statement to my clients that I
can use "Crazy Glue" to repair the injury to the Hoof, it may not look
as pretty, it may need touched up in a few weeks, but the end result is
the same. Today there are many products on the market that are easier
to work with than when I started and I'm thankful for them but I never
had one ounce of success until I started with the passion to understand
the Hoof Anatomy and the Dynamics of the Hoof.
Today after 22 years of a dedicated passion in the Art of
Hoof Repair one can relate it to surgery; you evaluate, identify root
cause, open up, correct, reconstruct and drive on.